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点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

来源:2Q1Q手游网 更新:2022-10-29



期待已久的手游点爆僵尸即将登陆2Q1Q,这款手机游戏吸引了大批玩家的关注,想下载这款游戏,有很多粉丝都在问2Q1Q小编点爆僵尸好玩吗?点爆僵尸值不值得玩?现在就为大家来简单分析下,看看这款游戏的玩法特点和游戏剧情介绍 。


点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介


Zap Zombies is a free, clicker style, simple RPG. Slay the zombies with your fully-armed survivors. Upgrade their skills in the laboratory. Implant Biochips in survivors.Tap faster and faster to make the Survivors fight harder and harder! ::: SLAY ZOMBIES! ::: Tap your screen like there's no tomorrow to acquire more Enzymes and Power. Annihilate the zombies! ::: COLLECT ENZYMES! ::: Zombies drop Enzymes, an important resource for upgrading survivors. You can also collect Enzymeswhile off-line! ::: UPGRADE SURVIVORS! ::: Upgrade your survivors to become stronger and faster. Find more survivors when you collect Enzymes from the battle. ::: AWAKEN AND GET BIOCHIPS! ::: You can start your life all over again with a critical opportunity:Implant biochips in your survivors so they can slay the zombies faster than ever before! ::: SKILLS IN THE LAB! ::: Upgrade survivors with special skills: stronger Criticals and Gun Damage ::: MINING GOLD! ::: Gold is essential to upgrading laboratory skills. Upgrade your mine to collect more gold! -------------------------------------------------------- Like our official Facebook fanpage SoulGameFans for more information!


点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介

点爆僵尸好玩吗 点爆僵尸玩法简介



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